How to bookYou need to book a Baptism, preferably at least two months in advance – remembering that the summer period, and Bank Holiday weekends tend to be very popular.

Only one family will have a service at the given time.

If, as an adult or older child, you wanted to be baptised, we would expect that you would be coming regularly to church, and would invite you to take part in a short course of Christian instruction to help you to understand the implications of the promises you would be making.

To book a baptism or enquire about available times, dates and venues, fill in the form below, giving the child’s name, date of birth and your address and telephone number.  You can also ring one of the clergy.


    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Child’s Full Name

    Date of Birth


    Post Code

    Telephone Number

    Mother’s Name

    Mother’s Occupation

    Father’s Name

    Father’s Occupation

    Your Message

    Are you Human? Please fill in the letters.